Friday, August 21, 2009

How to make money quick and easy no bull...

Im going to show you a secret on how to make money online or locally or whatever.. and you dont even need a computer, but it certainly helps! For starters you need to read thru my what im telling you before going out and doing it..Basically its simply buying and selling.. you can either do it the right way.. or do it wrong and fail...

1.) It takes money to make money.. a simple saying yet it cant be exercised enough.. ok sure there are services im sure you can offer to make some extra income, however you still need to invest something into doing it.. for example.. I love to go to flea markets, swap meets even shop online for deals, but you need to invest something into products or items to resell.. unless your super lucky and happen to have an estate of a dead relative dumped into your lap... Same with services, if you want to fix cars or appliances on the side, you still need to buy the tools you need to perform the services..

2.) You must be properly educated!! You cant go out and buy a bunch of useless stuff with the intention of making it big if nobody wants the stuff you have! You need to follow the trends.. You need to find out what is hot and what everyone wants!! This is what i consider a bit of a knowledge treasure hunt.. Ive educated myself in different areas of the automotive industry, because A.) its a big hobby of mine, and b.) there will always be hot rodders or backyard gear heads that need parts.. there will simply always be that demand.. No im not telling you to go out and hunt for parts.. im telling you what i have done and what i know that works!!

3.) Get involved in an area of that YOU strongly enjoy, and area that strongly interests YOU simply because you wont get bored and this wont seem like an obligation.. If you like golfing? Find deals on golf items, golf carts, name brand clubs, anything that you know is hot and it will sell...

4.) USE THE TOOLS THAT ARE OFFERED ON THE INTERNET!!! EBAY is a great example however in the past few years there has been an uprising in angry sellers who work hard to make their money yet ebay keeps raising their already steep fees and adding on sill ridiculous policies that only anger their customers driving them away.. however.. I sell on ebay.. BUT.. i sell items of INTEREST.. stuff that PPL will buy.. Craigslist is another great example.. theyre site is free (for now) it offeres a decent amount of exposure, with the ability to add pictures,contact info, so on.. but you must beware!! while theres a lot of good ppl offering goods and services on that site..and ive purchased a lot of things from that site too that were a banging deal!! CHECK IT OUT!! however.. theres also a number of scum bags who want to cause harm or scam you!! You use common sense.. if their offer is too good to be true.. or they want personal information, they are phishing, and they can ruin you..

Ok... i hope you have learned something.. Basically i have the tools to make as much as i want whenever i want! And so do you.. the key to any of this is education! and the drive to succeed.. Im comfortable making a couple $100 a week... but you can make more.. It all depends on what you want to do, how much time you want to invest.. You must open your eyes!! The economy isnt the greatest so people will sell things for cheap just to keep the lights on and food in their kid's belly so go out there and bargain..

There are many options, go to your local flea market.. find things... buy them.. and ADVERTISE!!

Make videos, throw them on youtube.. i think pictures are great of the items you may try and sell but video is probably the ultimate way to get your point across as well as introduce yourself to the world of commerce.. Interact in your vids gain a trust with the viewers and who knows.. from that you have the potential to grab a number of possible buyers.. This is the real deal, simply put, its not easy work.. so dont think your jumping on the gravy train.. but what im offering you doesnt cost anything.. its just a little insight..

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